on-line store with healing natural hemp cosmetics click here

on-line store with healing natural hemp cosmetics  click here

Saturday, January 30, 2010

We are preparing action packs! What should they look like?Friends, please vote

Free shipping for all orders over $75 . Be smart and save your money!
Vote here

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Animals and hemp cosmetics????

Animals and hemp cosmetics????
Yes, even your dog or cat can actually be using the hemp cosmetics!!!!

Did you know that hemp oil is an amazingly healthy food for your pets too? Great for skin care and their coats, joint health and more! For example, some Alaskan sled dog mushers are fortifying their dogs diet with omega oils as they feel it serves as a source of valuable energy, keeps less desirable saturated fats mobile in the blood stream, increases oxygen uptakes to the cell, decreases recovery time from strenuous exercise and prevents and heals worn and chaffed paws.

Our hemp seed oil is to be added into the meal of your pet. After some time you will see the happiness in his eyes.

Pet care:

Konopka ointment - It is also suitable for a protection and a care of the paws of your cat or dog. Also suitable in the winter season and during longer walks on the hard surface.

The lipbalm soothes your dog's hot spots, cuts, insect bites, abrasions and other minor skin irritations. Nourishing Hemp seed oil contains essential nutrients for healthy skin.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baby and atopic eczema !!!!

Baby and atopic eczema !!!!

Atopic eczema
is still treated with chemical drugs.
The most commonly prescribed corticosteroids also increase blood pressure and
with even stop the growth of children lowered.skin cream baby-calming skin cream with lowered pH 4,6 ,

-STOPs reddening and itching of eczematic skin

Cannabis-cosmetics.com Advises :

Wash the sensitive, reddened or itchy children’s skin with warm water and soft washing froth babe. After the bath treat the skin with baby oil or milk. Especially treat the reddened, itchy or scaly areas of the skin – apply the calming cream babe really gently to not irritate the skin mechanically. Usually there is a quick withdrawal of the itchiness and dryness, any possible reddening will eventually disappear itself. The calming cream apply continuously according to your own need or according to the doctor’s advice, if you use it as a supplemental care during the dermatitis, atopy eczema etc.

Buy Now

Monday, January 25, 2010

Lack of fluids, dry skin and dandruff!!!!

Lack of fluids, dry skin and dandruff!!!!
Dehydration causes the body completely determined by many serious problems, but - Capillus anti-dandruff shampoo
also the less serious as dry skin or dandruff can miserable life.

Cannabis-cosmetic.com Advises:

During the problems with a scalp, such as seborrhoea, dandruff, excessive grease formation or itchiness, always use a special shampoo to wash your hair. As a solution to an excessive dandruff formation we recommend the capillus anti-dandruff shampoo, during the problems with seborrhoea and greasy dandruff use capillus seborrhoea shampoo. While the wash-up keep the recommended duration time of the regenerative shampoo on the scalp – let the shampoo take an effect at least for 3-5 minutes on the skin, otherwise the effectiveness excessively decreases. Then properly wash the scalp and hair down with clear water. The washed hair then slightly dry with the Turkish towel, yet never scratch the hair nor the scalp too much. If you nedd the long or dry hair to be treated with a hair balsam, use it only on the rootlets or on the hairline. Not even the hair styling (setting-lotion, gels, hairspray, creams) should be applied in the case of problems with scalp right on the rootlets.