on-line store with healing natural hemp cosmetics click here

on-line store with healing natural hemp cosmetics  click here

Friday, April 30, 2010

Healing creams for Europe vs. dry skin,atopic eczema and psoriasis

Healing creams vs. dry skin,atopic eczema and psoriasis

Healing creams for Europe vs. dry skin,atopic eczema and psoriasis

/EINPresswire.com/ Hemp in creams treats inflammation and benefits dry skin,atopic eczema,psoriasis. Hemp has been known as a problematic plant for obvious reasons. The characteristics, thanks to which it is used as a drug dangerous for people, has overshadowed many of its advantages, which are known for thousands of years.

Cannabis was widely used in medicine already in the third millennium BC.

The oldest preserved written record of cannabis use dates back to the period of Chinese emperor Shen Nung, 2 737 years BC. Its possibilities were made us of in the past also by industry.

At present, especially the main producers took to cannabis, and it became a hit in cream.

According to producers, one of the unsaturated fatty acids contained in hemp - GammaLinoleic acid - is very similar to cutaneous fat. This natural lubricant provides the skin and hair with suppleness. Cannabis can provide for healthy development and life of skin cells. It is also perfect in water management. Therefore, medicinal cannabis is used for preparing preparations for sensitive skin of children from infancy,'' explains the co-owner of Internet shop www.cannabis-cosmetics.com, Mr. Roman Zazirej

''Natural cosmetics made of hemp contain high concentrations of essential unsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A, B, C, D and E,'' explains Ivana Kostková, MD. from the department of dermatovenerology in Prague 10.

''These substances have strong antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regeneration effects,'' she says, adding that regular daily application protects skin from excessive drying, peeling and cracking.

''Creams and ointments made of hemp are therefore appropriate as complementary treatment of all skin diseases that would result from increased irritability, dryness and inflammation at all ages. These include eczema and psoriasis,'' said Kostková.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hempseed oil and acne | Cannabis-cosmetics.com

Hempseed oil and acne | Cannabis-cosmetics.com
Perfect for treatment of burns
Besides constitutional dermatitis, psoriasis and acne hemp-content cosmetic has positive effect on wounds healing, especially of burns. Helena Kasparova, MD of surgical department of hospital in Opocno says wounds dressed with this cosmetic heal up faster and there are also fewer complications, including scars. It also helped many people with venous ulcerations and has an effect on burns too. These heal up faster and with less serious complications.

cream for tattoo | Cannabis-cosmetics.com

cream for tattoo | Cannabis-cosmetics.com

treatment atopic eczema | Cannabis-cosmetics.com

treatment atopic eczema | Cannabis-cosmetics.com
Skin care, cosmetics and clothing

Long contact with chlorinated water dries the skin, so it is recommended to take only short showers. Oil baths are suitable however, after which the skin is not brushed, but immediately treated with nutritious hemp body milk.

In principle, we choose hypoallergenic cosmetic products. The new product should be tested on a small portion of the skin - the best is arm, explains partner of the shop cannabis-cosmetics.com, Mr. Roman

Clothing should be in principle open, airy and made of cotton. Unsuitable clothing is the following: synthetic fibers, wool and fur. Linen should be perfectly steeped.


The basis of therapy is to maintain and restore the skin barrier by means of suitable medicinal cannabis cream. In running sores we use compresses as recommended by the dermatologist.

Novelty of the third millennium are so-called immunomodulators, or products that improve the balance of components of the immune system. Recent research has shown that prolonged use of these products with a combination of hemp cream led to significant limitations as to time and severity of the manifestations of atopic eczema.

treatment psoriasis | Cannabis-cosmetics.com

treatment psoriasis | Cannabis-cosmetics.com
Psoriasis is not as frequent as eczema or atopic eczema, but it affects about 3% of people. While psoriasis is not directly life-threatening, it is a considerable nuisance. It appears usually after 20 or at the age of 50. However, it can also affect children. category skin treatment

Psoriasis is not a disease (like eczema) that today's medicine can heal. However, there are ways to keep skin in good condition and to prolong the intervals between eruptions of new deposits or the aggravation of the already existing ones.

Hempseed oil and acne | Cannabis-cosmetics.com

Hempseed oil and acne | Cannabis-cosmetics.com
Successful experiment
It was not by chance that doctor Pcolova offered her daughter to check out hempseed oil. Together with her colleague Milena Blehova, MD with whom she works as dermatologist in Spa Dolni Lipova, they proved effects of hempseed oil in group of patients with constitutional dermatitis and psoriasis.''Results seemed comparable to us with positive effects of cure in our spa; it is treatment by herbal baths, radiation treatment with special lamps and treatment with classic ointments'' says doctor Blehova. ''That what we like most is the fact that it is a natural product without side-effects.''

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Hemp Oil | Cannabis-cosmetics.com

Hemp Oil | Cannabis-cosmetics.com
Thes bioactive Hemp Seed Oil is suitable not only for cold cooking and flavour enhancing. The very some cold-pressed hemp seed oil is used as a basic, main ingredient in the formulas of our Cannaderm cosmetic products, giving them all its healing effects and fine hint of its nutty-herbal scent and green, chlorophyll rich color.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gel on veins | Cannabis-cosmetics.com

Gel on veins hit in Europe.The Gel on veins contains very efficient active substances that can in regular care significantly contribute to alleviation of problems, swellings, pain or even moderation of visible varicose veins of various size. Venosil can be freely combined with medicaments or ointments for venous insufficiency; only in case of varicose veins never applythe gel directly on open ulcer, always on integral skin.

BUY NOW USD $13.90 / Qty


Monday, April 26, 2010

Hemp Oil | Cannabis-cosmetics.com

Hemp Oil | Cannabis-cosmetics.com
Thes bioactive Hemp Seed Oil is suitable not only for cold cooking and flavour enhancing. The very some cold-pressed hemp seed oil is used as a basic, main ingredient in the formulas of our Cannaderm cosmetic products, giving them all its healing effects and fine hint of its nutty-herbal scent and green, chlorophyll rich color